water extras  
Neil Kay's Website



A personal website intended to help share and exchange information on issues of relevance to my academic work as well as some personal interests, especially ferries and school closures in rural Scotland with special reference to dodgy dossiers and dubious prospectuses of various kinds. I live in Cowal, Argyll, with ten foot icicles at the bottom of my garden, Xmas 2010 ->



Contactable at

Wittgenstein's duck/rabbit



This posted 25th January 2012:Is the Governments ferries policy "economically illiterate"? See here


Some stuff on my research and teaching, with emphasis on my interests in the boundaries of the firm and its determinants

CalMac Oban

Focuses on Scottish lifeline ferry services with five blogs, a general blog, and one each for the Scottish Executive tenders for the CalMac network, Northern Isles, Campbeltown-Ballycastle and Gourock-Dunoon


small schools threatened

This is mostly about rural schools in Scotland and the threat of closure faced by many in the light of the failure of public policy in these areas:

What Scottish Water left behind

Scottish Water have caused considerable and permanent damage to the environment around Scotland. This is just one community's continuing story

Sailing last summer


Bits and pieces, odds and ends, what it says on the tin.


for BabyBoomers click here

Current Topics of Interest Include:


This posted 27th June 2010 : two of my unpublished papers which have attracted remarkable - and increasing - interest. The story of what has been happening is told in When it can be better NOT to publish. See my academic pages for more on other publications

The Gourock-Dunoon Ferry Saga